How To Create An Account On TikTok

How To Create An Account On TikTok

The Chinese mini-video app TikTok is becoming increasingly popular in many countries across the globe. It allows users to shoot a 15-second video and share it to interact with friends and millions of other creators. If you want to find out how to create an account on this app, continue reading. To begin creating your account, Ddownload and install the TikTok app on your phone: Open the app, and click the Me icon located at the bottom: You will be given two options to sign up: register with your email, or use your phone number and link the account with your Facebook, Twitter, or Google account.
N.B. TikTok will use your name and profile photo if you are registering with an existing social media account:
The TikTok app will, then, request your permission to access folders and hardware. Click Accept: If you have opted to sign up with your email address or phone number, you will be asked to enter it: Your account has been created. You can now create videos on TikTok: Click the + button to start creating videos: You can share TikTok videos on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and WhatsApp directly from within the app.
Image: © TikTok.
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Facebook Messenger Ads Are One Of The Most Effective Marketing Tools Available. Here’s How To Use Them.

The Ultimate Guide to Facebook Messenger Ads
I’ve tried thousands of marketing tactics, hacks, experiments, and tricks in my career as a marketer.
By far, the most effective marketing tactic I’ve discovered is Facebook Messenger ads.
In this post, I’ll explain four things in detail:
  • What Facebook Messenger ads are
  • How Facebook Messenger ads work
  • Why Facebook Messenger ads are awesome
  • How to make your own Facebook Messenger ads
  • What are Facebook Messenger Ads?
    Facebook Messenger Ads are a paid method of promoting your Facebook posts that invite people to open a Facebook Messenger conversation.
    Ordinary Facebook ads invite people to click and visit your website or landing page. They’re typically expensive, and you won’t gain detailed information about your visitors.
    Messenger ads, by contrast, launch a cascade of engagement.
    It might look like this:

    Facebook Messenger Ads
    Facebook Messenger ads rely on chatbots to handle engaging with your customers, following up with them, and taking them further down the funnel.
    I’ll cover all of that in detail in the sections below.
    How do Facebook Messenger Ads Work?
    Let me give you an example of a Facebook Messenger ad in action.
    If you’re not familiar with Facebook Messenger ads, this will help you understand them better when you start making your own.
    It’s really simple. This is what a Messenger ad looks like:

    This is what a Messenger ad looks like
    Someone who sees this ad might click “Send Message.”

    Someone who sees this ad might click “Send Message.”
    When they click “Send Message,” it opens a Messenger chat.
    That’s it. The contact has entered your funnel and the ad is successful.
    Obviously, there’s a lot more to it than that. But that’s the entry point for a Facebook Messenger ad.
    From that point, you’ll you can turn on the marketing magic with a MobileMonkey chatbot. MobileMonkey handles the automated qualification and lead engagement aspect.
    Why Are Facebook Messenger Ads So Awesome?
    I want to tell you why Facebook Messenger ads are awesome.
    If you know anything about me, you know that I freaking love unicorns.

    I’m obsessed with them.
    In my world, unicorns are marketing techniques that are thousands of times more successful than ordinary marketing tactics.
    Only 1-3% of marketing techniques will ever be unicorns. But that 1-3% of unicorn tactics brings in 80% or more of your marketing success.
    Why do I tell you this?
    Because Facebook Messenger ads are unicorns.
    Decide for yourself as you consider these benefits of Facebook Messenger ads.
    Facebook Messenger ads capture all of a prospect’s information.
    In my opinion, this is one of the best things about Messenger ads: loads of intel.
    I get all kinds of information on who messages my page.
    Since I’m a data guy, this is really fascinating stuff. Obviously, I like having the bird’s eye perspective, like these insights.

    Facebook Messenger Ads Insights
    But I can also get detailed information on the individuals who message my Facebook page.
    FB Messenger Ads Insights 2
    FB Messenger Ads Insights 2
    This is about to get ridiculous, but you have to believe me.
    Look at this chatbot I set up. Not only did this individual engage with the bot, but he also gave me his full name and phone number.

    Facebook Messenger Ad Contacts
    That’s incredibly valuable information. It would be really expensive to purchase information like that, but I got it for free.
    If I’m really curious, I can even check out other info — what time it is where they are, where they work, where they’re from, where they live, and even their Facebook profile.

    Messenger Contact Information
    You know as well as I do that a lot of people put their entire life information on Facebook.
    Once an individual messages your page, you have the following information on them: first name, last name, profile photo, gender, location, time zone, country, and messaging permission (the ability to send push notifications back to that user).
    Facebook Messenger ads have almost unbelievable engagement rates.
    The engagement rates for Messenger marketing are shocking.
    If you’re used to email marketing, you might expect an open rate of maybe 7% on a really good day, right?
    With Messenger marketing, you can achieve 80% open rates in the first sixty minutes.

    FB Messenger Marketing Comparison
    I’ve achieved rates of lead acquisition that I’ve never seen in my other businesses.
    And look at these growth rates that happened as a result.

    MobileMonkey Messenger Ads
    In just a few months as a startup, we grew like crazy because of Messenger ads.
    Facebook Messenger ads give you permission to contact the prospect later on without paying.
    When someone starts messaging you, they are giving you permission to contact them.
    Obviously, rules apply. However, the reality is, they are now a lead. You don’t have to “retarget” them in the traditional sense. They’re on your list, and you can message them.
    To really turn up the heat, you can use chat blasting, another unicorn technique.
    How to Create a Facebook Messenger Ad in MobileMonkey
    You can create a Facebook Messenger ad within Facebook Ads Manager, or you can do it through MobileMonkey.
    In the MobileMonkey chatbot builder, click Lead Magnets then Messenger Ads.

    Create a Facebook Messenger Ad in MobileMonkey
    Click “New Messenger Ad” in the next screen. Then, you can begin to create the content to send to your users.

    FB Messenger Chatbot
    Since Messenger ads are essentially lead magnets, you want to offer something irresistible to your users. This is the entry point to someone becoming a lead, and you want to make sure that your offer is enticing.
    The Messenger Ad wizard creates code that you can then copy into Facebook Ads Manager to create the ad.

    FB Messenger Chatbot
    Congratulations, you’ve created your first Facebook Messenger ad!
    Once your ad starts running and people start messaging you, you’ll benefit from the enormous power of Facebook Messenger Ads.
    Getting Unicorn Results from your Facebook Messenger Ad with a Facebook Messenger Chatbot
    Facebook Messenger ads are just the starting point. When someone responds to your ad, boom, you have a contact — a real, live, valuable lead.
    What do you do with this lead?
    There are plenty of options, all of which will effectively retarget your new contact.
    In MobileMonkey, you can send your new leads a message (for free) within the first 24 hours and a second message later using a bot.
    To use the chat blaster feature in the MobileMonkey chatbot builder, click “Marketing Automation,” then “Chat Blaster” and “New Chat Blast.”

    MobileMonkey chatbot builder
    Drip campaigns are another powerful method of engaging your users and offering them even more value.
    To create a drip campaign in MobileMonkey, select Marketing Automation → Drip Campaign.
    Drip campaigns in Messenger are similar to email drip campaigns, except that the drip sequence is usually faster and has the potential for higher engagement.
    Creating a Facebook Messenger chatbot sequence in MobileMonkey allows you to segment your audience as well.
    You can create a bot that asks your audience qualifying questions.
    If, for example, you are trying to attract marketers to your business, you can ask.
    FB Messenger Chatbot MobileMonkey
    FB Messenger Chatbot MobileMonkey
    Based on their answer to this question, you can ask follow-up questions.
    How many clients do you manage?
    What is your Primary marketing objective?
    If you were simply driving an audience to a landing page, as is the case with a traditional Facebook ad, your conversion rates would by default be significantly lower.
    A landing page makes assumptions about the audience based on the ad demographic targeting. It presents an offer that will hopefully resonate with the target audience.
    Chat marketing is fundamentally different. Instead of making assumptions, you tease out details about the target audience. These diagnostic questions segment the audience, allowing you to create a messaging funnel that will convert at significantly higher rates.
    As I mentioned, a Messenger ad is just the first step in an entire interactive journey.
    Facebook Messenger Ads Plus Chatbots Equals Unicorn
    Most marketers simply aren’t aware of the high-octane power of messenger ads, let alone how to take it to the next level with chatbots.
    We’re in a new era of advertising. Interactive experiences have displaced megaphone-style tactics. Facebook Messenger marketing using Messenger ads is a powerful way to expand your contact list, improve lead quality, and continue retargeting for maximum success.
    MobileMonkey is the tool that unlocks everything that Facebook Messenger offers — creating, scaling, and optimizing your Facebook messenger marketing
    Be sure to create your own free MobileMonkey account or watch the tutorial below to get started.
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    Account Linking Could Make Instagram The Heir To Facebook Login

    Teens’ aversion to Facebook jeopardizes not only the company’s feed ad revenue, but its dominance as an identity provider. The Facebook Login platform keeps people tied to the social network in order to easily access other apps without a separate username and password. But for younger users who ditch or neglect Facebook in favor of Instagram, the tech giant stands to lose one of its most powerful wedges into our lives. Meanwhile, Instagram loyalists are forced to juggle multiple sets of login credentials to manage their personal, Finsta and business accounts.
    But a new feature in development could make it easy to operate multiple Instagram handles while poising the app as a successor to Facebook Login. Instagram has prototyped the “Main Account” feature that would let users set one of their profiles as a primary account and then link their other accounts to it. Logging into the main account would instantly log them in to the rest, as well. From then on, users would only need to remember a single email/username and password combo. Simpler login could get people switching accounts, posting and engaging more with Instagram.
    Account linking could also power up Instagram’s existing login platform. Currently, third-party apps use it to let you compose feed posts and Stories and then share them to Instagram, or to measure the activity and mentions of business accounts. But Instagram could potentially expand the login platform to let you bring more of your identity or profile info to other apps similar to Facebook Login. That might work better if you could log in through your main Instagram account and then choose which profile you wanted to use or share back to from another app.
    TechCrunch was tipped off to code for “Account Linking” in the Instagram for Android alpha version’s APK files by social media researcher Ishan Agarwal. The code explains “Quickly and securely log in to all of your Instagram accounts with one ID and password . . . Make one of your accounts your main account and use it to log in to all of your other accounts at once . . . Your accounts will remain separate but logging in will be fast and simple . . . Anyone who has the password for your main account will have access to the accounts connected to it.”
    Instagram declined to comment regarding the feature. That’s standard for the company when it has prototyped something it is trying out with employees but hasn’t done any external testing. But many features first spotted in the app’s code at this stage go on to be fully rolled out, like Instagram video calling, nametags and soundtracks.
    Facebook colonized the web using its login platform, scattering buttons with its logo on sites as an alternative to having to create a new account for every service. This helped grow Facebook’s user base, lock in users so it’d be harder for them to deactivate, develop new sources of feed content and gather data on what people did around the web. Many users who’ve stopped heavily posting to or reading Facebook still maintain a connection with the social network because they rely on it to log in to Spotify, Netflix and other services.
    In fact, Facebook’s login platform is one of its most valuable features, where it lacks strong competition. Google runs its own identity platform, but with people increasingly using two-factor authentication and other security to protect their Gmail accounts, it can sometimes be a bit clumsy. Snapchat is trying to build up its own Snap Kit login platform with partners like Poshmark, but few mainstream apps have implemented it for account creation.
    Instagram has been tinkering with other features around the concept of identity. It launched Close Friends for sharing Stories just with your besties, rolled out its own two-factor authentication option and is adding a way to syndicate your feed posts to multiple accounts you control. Getting users to establish a main account could also smooth Facebook’s plan to offer encrypted cross-app messaging between itself, Instagram and WhatsApp. Your main account might be a stand-in for your real identity as Instagram doesn’t force a real-name policy on users like Facebook does.
    If you start to think of Instagram as not just a parallel social network to Facebook but as either an escape pod or heir to the throne, it’s important to consider how Facebook’s core assets will weather the transition. Recent profile redesigns have already tried to make your Instagram profile the center of your online personality. Uniting the prismatic shards of your identity through account linking could let you carry that personality with you across the web.
